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Don’t forget GDPR representation in preparing for Brexit

For quite a while Brexit seemed to have the monopoly on breaking news. From the moment COVID-19 took over that role, the UK’s exit from the EU disappeared into the background for a while. With only a few months to go, politicians are gearing up for heavy debates while many companies still have a few things to arrange, such as finding the right representative for the GDPR in EU countries. At Vivenics we are totally ready to go!

Expected delays

The fact that most companies do not consider the protection of privacy-sensitive data to be their main concern is perfectly understandable. After all, it is customs formalities and expected delays at the borders, when it comes to returning to general WHO rules that are already causing headaches. It’s only sensible for companies to anticipate this by stockpiling or arranging time slots with customs authorities. This also applies to both Ireland and Northern Ireland, especially now that Boris Johnson has submitted a controversial bill that could potentially flare up old conflicts in this region.

The right GDPR partner

However, there must be something in place when it comes to the protection of personal data. From 1 January 2021, it will be mandatory to have a GDPR representative when doing business to and from the UK. With a background in the pharmaceutical industry, issues such as compliance, validation and data integrity are cut and dried for us. That’s why we expanded our services years ago to include privacy protection compliancy. Our GDPR team has meanwhile built a proven track record as reliable representatives for non-EU companies since 2016. We have a dedicated GDPR team of senior consultants covering all relevant disciplines.

More fines and critical consumers

Under the slogan ‘A GDPR representative should be the least of your worries’ we represent organisations based on a short intake interview, a clear contract, which can be annulled on a monthly basis, and a flat fee rate. As GDPR representative, we are a contact point for your company on the one hand and for local authorities and parties whose data are stored and processed on the other hand. We mainly represent non-European companies with the GDPR representation in the EU, but are also able to support the implementation of a GDPR representation of EU parties in the UK.

No luxury

Partly in view of the increasing number of fines as well as the critical attitude of consumers in many countries, this is no luxury. Moreover, it strengthens your professional image towards business relations. Privacy is no longer a nice-to-have, but a real and serious baseline expectation from customers and other stakeholders. Don’t have a GDPR representative yet? Please feel free to contact us to discuss the requirements and possibilities. You can reach us on +31 (0)88 8483 100 or Your first consultation is for free.

Check for our services.

For more information on the impact of Brexit in general and the latest status of preparing, you might also want to take a look at this checklist compiled by the European Commission.

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